Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas is over.

I feel somewhat meloncholy now that Santa has come and all the planning and baking and planning for the holiday is over.  I also feel a little sad, because soon I must return to the real world and face my job and the lonliness of being alone again.  I have loved being here and sharing my daughters children and her life with her.   I love the sweet little kisses and watching my 2 1/2 yrs. grandson say new sentences each day.  I have a chest cold and have vics rub on my chest and he told me today 'you stink", not polite but very true.  I believe it is harder for my 4 year old granddaughter to have me here, because she seems to sense when our time is coming to an end.  I don't often say "Why to God, but I do ask about this distance between us.

The winter weather was lovely here, especially over the holiday weekend few yards were disturbed and at night it was a beautiful winter wonderland.  The trees and some yards had snow on them for several days without any disturbance.

Today, I helped to take the ornaments off my daughters Christmes tree and many of her ornaments are ones given to her from her childhood, it is a little like going into the past and down memory lane.  Some are marked with dates and go back to when she was three and four years old.  It is often difficult to realize life has moved on so many years ahead.   There was an ornament from friends in Tucson, Arizona who for years we exchanged Christmas ornaments, that was until their family doubled ours and we couldn't afford to continue the tradition.   One from a trip we took to San Diego, Califronia , the year she graduated from college in December and we spent Christmas there.  One bought at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, each reminding me of a different time of life we have  shared.

As the end of the year approaches I know I must begin to evaluate this year, the good, bad, and ugly, and decide what I will change I'll write about that later.

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